The expression “self-signed certificates” typically refers to TLS/SSL certificates
have been generated standalone, without any linkage to a root or intermediate
A self-signed certificate
is a digital certificate that is not signed by a certificate authority (CA), but
instead is signed by the organization
or software of the website or developer.
Below is an online tool to generate a self-signed certificate. It generates the
private key, CSR
and the certificate in X.509 format. All the generated certificates can be
downloaded on the local machine safely.
Self-Signed Certificate Generator
Invalid email
Private Key
X.509 cert
Any secret key value that you enter, or we generate
is not stored on this site, this tool is provided via an HTTPS URL to ensure that
secret keys cannot be stolen.
If you
appreciate this tool, then you can consider donating.
We are thankful for your never ending support.
Usage Guide
Enter the form fields such as common name, org, org unit, email, etc and click on the
button to generate the private key, the CSR and the self-signed certificate.
.key is the private key of the standard PKCS#8 structure.This is
generally stored at
the server and only accessible by the key owner.
.csr or .req or sometimes .p10 stands for
Certificate Signing Request as defined in PKCS#10;
This is a request for a certificate authority to sign the contains
information such as the public key and common name
required by a Certificate Authority to create and sign a certificate
for the requester, the encoding could be PEM or DER.
.crt is the certificate produced by the certificate authority that
verifies the authenticity of the key.
(The key itself is not included.) This is given to other parties, e.g. HTTPS client.
.pem Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) files are a type of Public Key
Infrastructure (PKI)
file used for keys and certificates. It could be any of the above files including a
public key,
a private key, or both, because a PEM file is not a standard.