Bcrypt Hash Generator and Matcher Online

As per wiki, Bcrypt is a password hashing function designed by Niels Provos and David Mazières, based on the Blowfish cipher. Bcrypt uses adaptive hash algorithm to store password, which is a one-way hash of the password. BCrypt internally generates a random salt while encoding passwords and store that salt along with the encrypted password. Hence, it is obvious to get different encoded results for the same string. But one common thing is that everytime it generates a String of length 60.

Below is the online tool to generate and compare Bcrypt hashed password.

Bcrypt Hash Generator


Bcrypt Hashed Matcher


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Bcrypt is a password hashing function designed for secure password storage. Here are the key points about bcrypt hashing:

Key Features of Bcrypt

  • Salted Hashing: Bcrypt incorporates a salt to protect against rainbow table attacks. A salt is a random value added to the password before hashing, ensuring that the same password will produce different hashes each time.
  • Adaptive Hashing: Bcrypt is designed to be slow and adjustable. It allows you to increase the computation time, making it more resistant to brute-force attacks as hardware becomes more powerful. This is controlled by a cost factor.
  • Key Derivation:: Bcrypt is derived from the Blowfish cipher and includes an expensive key setup phase, which contributes to its security.
  • Cross-Platform:: Bcrypt is widely supported across various programming languages and platforms, making it a versatile choice for securing passwords.

How bcrypt Works

  • Salting:When a password is hashed with bcrypt, a unique salt is generated. This salt is combined with the password before the hashing process.
  • Hashing:bcrypt applies the Blowfish cipher to the password and salt, running it multiple times based on the specified cost factor. This process produces a fixed-length hash.
  • Storing:The final output of bcrypt includes the cost factor, the salt, and the hashed password. These components are usually stored together in a database.

Example Usage

Here's a basic example of how bcrypt is used in code (Python):

                                    import bcrypt

                                    # Generating a salt
                                    salt = bcrypt.gensalt()

                                    # Hashing a password
                                    password = b"supersecret"
                                    hashed_password = bcrypt.hashpw(password, salt)

                                    # Verifying a password
                                    if bcrypt.checkpw(password, hashed_password):
                                        print("Password match!")
                                    print("Password does not match.")



  • Security: Bcrypt's slow hashing mechanism and the use of salt make it highly resistant to various attacks.
  • Adjustable Work Factor: As hardware improves, you can increase the cost factor to enhance security.
  • Widely Accepted: Bcrypt is a well-known and trusted hashing algorithm used in many security-sensitive applications.


  • Performance: Due to its intentionally slow hashing process, bcrypt can be slower than other hashing algorithms, which might impact performance in scenarios requiring rapid password verifications.

Usage Guide - Bcrypt Online Calculator

For bcrypt encryption, first enter the plain text that you want to encrypt. It can be any plain text. Now select the salt round. Salt round represents the cost factor, and a cost factor is directly proportional to the amount of time needed to calculate a single BCrypt hash. Now you can submit the form to generate the bcrypt hash online for the plain text that you have entered.

The salt is a random value, and should differ for each calculation, so the result should hardly ever be the same, even for equal passwords.


Similarly, to match a hashed password, you require providing the hashed password and the plain text to match with. Doing so the tool will compare both inputs and give a result whether the hashed password and plain text matched or not as true and false.

There is a difference between Hashed which start with "2y" and others which start with "2a." they are different variants of BCrypt from improvements over the years, some old implementations will not work with the newer ones as such I had to use this older implementation of 2a and 4 rounds to replace a hash in a db for some older software, so I could get in vs other sites which use 2y.

Ideally, the older implementation should be replaced with a newer one and use more rounds over time. This can be facilitated by re-hashing the users plain text password on the next login with the new way, you can do a string check on the first 6 characters (or better yet split by $ and look at the first two indices).

Bcrypt remains a strong choice for password hashing due to its robustness and adaptability, providing a good balance between security and performance.
