Nginx is a robust and efficient web server that is widely used in modern web infrastructure. Unlike traditional web servers that use a multi-threaded architecture, Nginx employs a non-threaded…
Load Balancer vs Reverse Proxy vs API Gateway
The two most popular open source web servers(Source) powering the Internet today are Apache HTTP server and NGINX. Over 50% of the websites in the world run on these two web servers.
The story begins with the project I was working on. Now a days deployment on cloud is beneficial as it saves lots of time and money to setup new infrastructure on your On-Premises, as cloud is also evolving from Bare HVM machines to conta
While everyone has heard of Apache, Nginx is also up there in popularity and together both are responsible for serving over 50% of the traffic on the internet. In terms of the top-ranked websites in the world,
Live Streaming with Nginx and FFmpeg
The regular expression (regex) tester for NGINX and NGINX Plus takes the guesswork out of regexes, telling you whether a regex for a location or map block matches values as you intend.
Nginx vs Apache, which is the better web server? We compare them in terms of performance for static versus dynamic content, OS support, security, flexibility, documentation, and general support
NGINX offers a number of streaming features through the RTMP module and NGINX Plus has additional modules. The RTMP module delivers streams over the RTMP pro...
To have an authentication middleware inside Nginx itself has recently been an itch in my head. The idea is clean and straightforward. Read the request header and check the token, if it was verified let
Optimizing Web Performance is a pending issue that we must continually work on. There are multiple solutions to improve our response times. Tagged with nginx, performance, webperf, wpo.
This blog describes the performance you can achieve with the NGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes, in terms of three metrics: requests per second, SSL/TLS transactions per second, and throughput.
Companies of all sizes and backgrounds are having to deal with the transition to a world where software development is central to their existence and competi...
Learn design principles and best practices for microservices architecture from Adrian Cockcroft, former lead Cloud Architect at Netflix
Microservices is our most popular development topic. See the foundational posts NGINX has published on the subject.